Sins People Don’t Count But Powerful to Take Heaven Away From Them. – Part 1
In the midst of the several revelations from God to His children on earth which is exposing the workings of the kingdom of darkness, revealing God’s holiness to us, giving men privileges to experience the pains in hell and the joy in heaven, and revealing to man to see how the coming judgment will look like, men are now becoming more conscious of the way they live their lives because of what will happen after death.
Our attention should now go to what the devil’s stance will be towards us amidst these revelations? What will his lot be or what will probably be a consolation to him in his determined effort to make sure man end up in hell with him, for he knows man is now knowing the truth about heaven.
He (devil) can only take many through sins, and this time around, through sins they don’t count nor know as sin –– at least with these, he will have a joy in him and be able to make many loose heaven for he knows that God will never take nor entertain the least of sins. This then serve as a comfort to him.
Listed below are
some sins we probably don’t know nor count as sin. We need to be careful and indeed
watchful. (Luke 12:57)
Sins We Don’t Count but Can Take Heaven Away From Us
(All Bible Verses from the King James Version (KJV)
- Assumption. (1Thess. 5:21, Exodus 23:1a)
- Exaggeration. (Exaggeration is a sin but emphasis is not).
- Referring to one’s past error/sin when they offend you. (Heb. 10: 16-17 —» If God could forgive and forget, we ought to also do the same).
- Effeminacy (1Cor. 6:9).
- Imperfectness in speaking/slip of tongue. “This is where those who make church announcements need to be careful. Where you say (e.g. “boldness”) instead of saying (courage), it becomes a sin. Also, suppose God sends you to tell someone that: “Tell him my heart is happy toward him” and you say: “God said, he is happy toward you” instead of saying: “God said his heart is happy toward you”, this becomes a sin to you (James 3:2-5, 6-15).”
- Anxiousness/Excess Concern (Phil. 4:6; 1Peter 5:7; Mathew 6:24-34).
- Jest (Eph. 5:4).
- Speaking half-truth.
- Talking too much (James 1:19).
- Uncontrollable eating habit.
- Lack of any of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit (Mathew 5:48, Gal. 5:22-23, 2Peter 1:5-10).
- Lack of any of the armour of God. (see Eph. 6: 14-18 for seven (7) armours, Rev. 1:20).
- Correcting anyhow (1Timothy 5:1-2, Ephesians 4:15).
- Watchlessness and Unprayerful. (Matthew 26:40-41; Mark 13:37).
- *Trying to help God when he did not command you (2Samuel 6:6-7).
- *Trying to help people at all cost without asking God (especially your relations). Romans 8:14.
- Physical uncleanness like living in a dirty room and surroundings, spoilt food not discarded, foul-smelling environment, dirty clothes, etc. (Eph. 5:3).
- A kind of Friendship/Familiarity with the Lord that makes you take him as your equal (Friendship with the Lord must include His fear). Deuteronomy 28: 58-61.
- Fear. (all other fear, except Godly fear, is sin) Rev. 21:8; Gen. 9:2-3.
- Pride in deeds (especially in the use of the word ‘I’ and ‘me’). James 4:13-17, Col. 3:17.
- Viewing the Bible through denominational doctrines instead of viewing denominational doctrines through the Bible. (We are to use the Bible to analyze denominational doctrines to see if it conforms to God’s standard and not the other way round). Mathew 15:3.
- Not having the full knowledge of where you say you are going to as a child of God (i.e. of heaven). This is the same as ignorance and God don’t take ignorance as an excuse, it is sin to Him (see Luke 12:47-48, 54-57; Mathew 25:1-12; Isaiah 5:13-14 and Hosea 4:6).
- Taking Natural or Artificial Strong drink/Alcohol in very little or big quantity. God condemns strong drinks, and alcohol is one of the many strong drinks available. (Leviticus 10:9-10; Isaiah 28:7; Isaiah 5:11, 22, 21; Proverbs 31:4, 6; 1Peter 2:9-11 Luke 1:15).
*no. 15 & 16 above can destroy one’s destiny.
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