July 14, 2020 at 8:47 am,
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Gentleness, meekness, positive beliefs towards events and happenings, temperance, longsuffering and patience, love, kindness, humility, doing good etc. These characters are FEW of the likeness and natures in God which He put inside humans to live in when He was creating them. He said: "let us make nan in our own image, in our likeness" (Genesis 1:26-27). Also God created us as trinity, just as He is also three (3) in one God - He created our body, soul and spirit, all inside one another, to form one single human). These are part of how He is.
Truly God never put devil's natures and likeness in man. The evil thoughts, pride, lie, covetousness, anxiety, abusiveness, stealing and the other sins are truly satan's inner natures. These bad natures entered into man after man obeyed Satan, the devil. (For in as much as one will be a servant to whosoever he obeys and accepts, man plus things God put under his dominion all came under satan's influencing). Satan's nature entered all and misbehaviors started, which also affected animals... All what God created becomes NO MORE GOOD... And you see mosquitoes seeing human blood as good to consume, certain leaves and plants became bad, and even abomination to be consumed by man before God.
Now, Jesus, who was sent by God, had come to carry the sin-contamined blood of humans in His body. He conquered the sins (satan's inner natures) in it. Jesus passed through ALOT of sufferings for human salvation and redemption. Yes, He shed His blood. HE PAID THE RESCUE PRICE. Humans ought to do this because they are the one truly at fault, but He did it for them freely. God has now commanded we obey Him (i.e. Jesus). (Matthew 17:5).
1. Now, we see Jesus live the life, the natures and likeness of God we ought to be living if sin had not entered in to corrupt us. Jesus had become our ONLY EXAMPLE AND ROLE MODEL to always look unto.
2. Again, God had written out these natures and likeness by His inspiration, and gave the human race a copy, called The Holy Bible (2Timothy 3:16-17). Hmm, I wonder how severe His coming judgment will be for those rejecting this His everlasting love, because it's certain that He, the Creator of the universe will bring all things into judgment. The Holy Bible is the God's Standard of Holiness, Truth and Righteousness for Mankind. He won't allow anyone who fall short of His standard to be with Him forever, as He promised.
3. Moreso, He had sent His Spirit, called Holy Spirit to help in living and maintaining God's standard of holiness, truth and righteousness, and also to comfort, guide, teach us.
All these are available only for those READY to choose Jesus and whatsoever He says. And at this point, I strongly advise you accept Jesus TRULY into your life.
Three most important things that will:
1. escape humans from the coming determined judgement (destruction of all evils and their doers),
2. and make human beings able to return back to God, to be with Him forever;
are Jesus, the Bible and the Holy Spirit. These 3 are a must, obey them.
God's nature is so good. Even a sinner before God, if still inside one of God's natures, like gentleness or patience, will still be able to receive wisdom on how to plan and go about his life to achieve success. YOU CAN NEVER BE IN UNCALMENESS AND EXPECT YOU RECEIVE WISDOM ON HOW TO DO THINGS SO RIGHT.
So, try lock yourself up in God's image and likeness. GO BACK TO JESUS AND ACCEPT HIM INTO YOUR LIFE.
One thought goes thus: God that created both evil and good (Isaiah 45:7) knows what they two contains; and He had insisted we choose good as it ends up in life (Deuteronomy 30:19).
God, who had devised the way to exempt human beings from His coming judgment (i.e.Jesus), is now calling you to return back to His full natures and likeness, like as before when still in the garden when there was no sin. Jesus, He who carried the sin-contaminated blood of humans in His flesh knew the right grace and help appropriate to liberate each one from sin; and He had already said plainly that: "without me ye can do nothing" John 15:5. Since you now desire and have DETERMINE to live a life of sin-free before God, then be WISE by calling on Him for help and grace whenever you find it uneasy to forsake a sin. Do this UNTIL you see His help and grace. DO NOT MUTE YOUR MOUTH! - BE WISE!